
 "promoting a positive future for 4-wheel drive recreation"​

Copyright 2008. Penobscot Valley 4 Wheel Drive. All rights reserved.


Penobscot Valley 4 Wheel Drive

Membership dues

Yearly dues are as follows:

$40 per for existing Supporting Members
$20 for Prospects (once prospects are voted in their membership rate will be prorated until the next yearly dues cycle. The rate will be $3.00 per month until January.)
$10 for Passenger Membership, if they desire their own screen name on the site. The 'passengers' will have their own, aptly named title in the forums (Passenger) and must be sponsored by a full member, but will not have voting rights. 

Dues will be payable at the meeting the following full month after joining. Membership dues are payable no later than January 31st of each year following. Your status will be upgraded to Full Member on the website as soon as possible and your membership will be good until the following January 31st. Membership is open to the public as long as they qualify for membership according to the rules set forth.


Membership is open to the general public with the only requirement that the member must own a Jeep and trail ride said Jeep during events organized by the Club. In order to become a member a person must first register on the PV4WD website for an account on the website forums which the webmaster will approve.

Supporting Members
All Supporting Member will have voting rights as long as their annual membership dues are paid by January 31 of each year. Each voting member is entitled to one vote and membership to the private Facebook page. 

Any new member will first join with a trial membership. The Prospect/Trial membership will be half the cost of normal membership and last for 12 months from the date of application. After 12 months applicants must be voted in as a supporting member, voting will be by current supporting members at the next scheduled meeting. Prospects will be required to attend a minimum of 2 club events or rides, and 3 club meetings in the 12-month period. The board and supporting members reserve the right to relieve, or vote for dismissal any prospect that does not adhere to the club bylaws.
Passenger will have an online website present with their own screen name but do not have voting rights. They will be sponsored by a full Supporting Member.  The Sponsoring Member can revoke the passenger status with written notice to the board.

New Members Info

We have a monthly Members Meeting on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 6pm.

Join us for our Monthly Member's Meeting,

5:30 - 6:30 public gathering   6:30 - 7:30 private Members only meeting

Our meetings are now Pot Luck provided by the members attending. 
The location changes month to month and are now at member's private homes.
Please check the Website and our Facebook Page for location. 

Anyone is welcome to sign up on our forums and be a non-supporting member, however some of the areas and features of the forums will be restricted. We urge our non-supporting members to become Full Members so they can help support their club and unlock the extra benefits! 

Penobscot Valley 4-Wheel Drive F.A.Q.

What's up, you say? This is what's up!

Q: How much is it to join PV4WD for 1 Year?

A: The annual membership for PV4WD.Com is $40 for a single user, $10 for the Passenger if they would like their own Forum Board log in, $20 for Prospects. The membership is for 1 calendar year, from January to December. 

Q: I don't live in Penobscot County.  Can I still join the club?

A: PV4WD.Com is a Jeep club based in Central Maine.  We do have members from outside this area and all across North America, however most events will happen within an hour's drive of the greater Bangor/Brewer area.

 ** updated - 10.03.2015 ** we now have members all over the US and Canada, if you would like to join us please feel free to create a profile

Q: I don't drive a Jeep.  Can I still join the club?

A: We are a Jeep club.  This includes all makes, years and models of Jeeps.  Many of the trails we frequent are designed specifically to work with a Jeep's compact footprint.  Larger vehicles may be cool, but they just won't fit where we ride and don't typically have the reduced impact on the environment that PV4WD wishes to support!

Q: Where does all the money raised from club dues and stickers go to?

A: The Club has a checking account at a local bank specifically used only for PV4WD-relevant expenditures/income.  All income from the club is deposited directly into this account. Your dues and payment for stickers go to cover not only the cost of operating the website and allowing bandwidth but also paying for the bulk purchase of the stickers themselves.  Other outlets for the club's finances are being discussed constantly and as things arise, supporting members will vote on any spending.

The administrators of this club and site reserve the right to modify these guidelines at any time and without notice.  While any major chances will most likely be announced publicly, be sure to check the FAQ thread if any questions arise.  If the FAQ does not answer a question you have, please email an administrator at  admin@pv4wd.com.  Thanks!